Friday, January 1, 2010

Train Automation

Train Controller, by Railroad & Company is the world's most widely used computer software to automate model railroad layouts.

This Windows-based PC application, when connected to a DCC system, is capable of automating multiple trains on both small and large layouts.

Used in many of the world's model railroad museum exhibits, TC provides functionality to map the MRR layout's track plan, and control all of the train movements between sections of the layout.

Automatic Operation and Layout Monitoring

  • Automatic control of hidden yards: no limit with regard to the number of tracks, searching for free tracks on entry, random exit, etc.
  • Blocking and Interlocking.
  • Protection of opposing trains on single track sections.
  • Trains meet and pass automatically.
  • Trains are able to find the optimal way to their destination.
  • Automatic control based on random events.
  • Operation based on time-tables.
  • Scalable speed of the build-in clock.
  • Simulation of train delays.
  • Automatic train stops in the middle of each platform.
  • Automatic train movements.
  • Base of automatic operation is a graphical representation of the layout (block diagram) instead of scripts, procedures or macros.
  • Drag a train symbol with the mouse to another location to initiate a spontaneous train movement.
  • Manual and automatic operation can run simultaneously.
  • Self-acting transfer of train control from manual to automatic operation and vice versa
  • Tracking of manually operated trains.
  • Automatic control of turntables and transfer tables.

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