Saturday, January 23, 2010


I am not totally convinced we have the right name yet. Can we think about it some more?


Richard Sauerbrun said...

What are you thinking? So far, it seems like several folks like the suggested name (see poll results).

Do you have another suggestion we could consider?

mcmiles said...

Well,unfortunately I don't have any wiz-bang ideas right now. But there are a couple of things that bother me about the names we are considering. I would like to see the name reflect the way we have stated we wish to be structured, or unstructured if you will. Specifically no by-laws, no dues, no officers, etc. So it is not a club in the normal sense of the word. The name Midwest Mod-U-Trak speaks more to what the are about and I like that. I do think making a Valley wide reference is good. Saying N is also good, but maybe not essential. I just think we can come up with something that better in a name that reflects what we want to be and sets us apart from the "clubs". I believe we have time to do that.

mlmltl said...

Just playing around to through some more comment in the mix.

Salt River Mini Mod-U-Trak
Arizona Mini-Mod-U-Trak
Salt River Valley Mini Mod-U-Trak

The Mini denotes N-Scale loosely based on the Mod-U-Trak site reading

Arizona South West Mini Mod-U-Trak
Valley of the Sun Mini Mod-U-Trak
Mini Mod-U-Trak - Salt River Valley
Mini Mod-U-Trak - Arizona South West

Salt River Valley Mod-U-Trak - Arizona N-SIG

David said...

I understand Milt's concerns about not being a club but more of a group devoted to N scale and that's one of the reasons I came up with Salt River Valley N Scalers. We might want to exclude the use of the word club in any name we do decide on.

I wonder if we can really use the Mod-U-Trak name without any blessing from the guys who came up with the idea? That's one of the reasons I leaned toward the Salt River Valley names. Also I don't think any one else is using that name with regard to a model railroad group or club.

One thing to consider about using the term Southwest is how wide an area the term covers. When we use it, we think of Southern California, Arizona, & New Mexico. Other places think of Texas and Oklahoma as part of the southwest.

mcmiles said...

By now I am sure some of you are thinking why is Milt so anal about a moniker for this group. Well, I prefer to think of this as setting the tone for the care we will take in constructing a layout since it is my impression that it is not just having a layout, but having a layout that is as fine as we can build.

That said, back to the question at hand. Mini Mod-U-Trak might well be part of the name, but only if we choose to fully adopt the standards of the Midwest club. I don't believe that is what I am hearing and the decision is probably the subject of discussion at our next meeting.

Salt River Valley, and Valley of the Sun are probably good location designators as I agree Scottsdale is too restrictive and we may wind up elsewhere. It might also be useful to include N or 160 as a descriptor.

So to seed further thinking I offer the following as seed words: MU, Lash-up, association, alliance, league, union, society, fusion, consist.

I will keep thinking but will probably be silent the rest of the day. It is my eye shot day.

mcmiles said...

Yesterday while i was sitting around putting antibiotic drops an my eye and feeling sorry for myself I came up with the following and I still like it today.


Salt River Valley N Lash-up

Soon to be popularly known as The Lash-up.

I think it has all the elements we have been discussing except an acronym, but the short form is catchy.

What do you think?