Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Research and Decision Making

This project started with a desire to expand the LGB Christmas train my wife and I have had running under our tree each year. Like many folks, this small setup was the only model train in the house. But the little 48" circle had gotten boring, so I started acquiring additional G scale track. After a few weeks in the hobby stores and on eBay I found that if this was to grow into a full sized layout it was going to cost really big $$$ and outgrow the house in a hurry.

So I decided to move my attention to a smaller scale model railroad. I have always had a fascination with the Santa Fe Super Chief engines and passenger car consists of the 40’s and 50’s and this directed my early decisions. I knew early on that I did not want to begin this project with the purchase of another "starter" set, so I began some research via the net and Google.

As you can expect, I found more information than I could quickly digest. This is a vast hobby with model railroad enthusiasts all over the world. In the coming articles I will detail each topic of research and share my findings.

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